Monday, June 14, 2010

Remembering You

As I sit in your presence,
And remember the warmth when I first saw you -
I become a bit nostalgic.
It’s amazing how life happens,
Time passes and what was once so special,
Loses its grip and days become just other days.
I see you smile now and it’s still kind.
My mind thinks what could have happened, 
If life dealt us another circumstance,
A different perspective of our mind,
Perhaps a different perspective of our heart -
Where would be now?
I remember when we first met,
We were given a certain energy,
One we were obviously not ready for.
Life gave us to each other for a short while,
Though our destiny together was not indefinite.
We held on as tight as we could -
But with time, for all the wrong reasons.
I had to let go, and let you walk out of my life -
Like when a child outgrows her baby-doll..
I could no longer hold onto something,
That didn't belong to me.
Time has passed and life has happened.
We are both so different, yet the same.
And here you are today,
Sharing stories of where your life has taken you.
I can still feel your warmth, but it has changed -
And I now understand letting go of us,
Is exactly what I had to do.

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