Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Little Princess

I saw you a few days after you were born,
You were so tiny and beautiful…
You showed us your character so early on,
When you chose to surprise us one month early!
And despite your early appearance,
You were perfect as could be.
As I think back now -
I don't know if I've ever felt love so soon…
Holding you in my arms changed me immediately.
Maybe because you are a little girl,
Maybe because I was older…
But regardless, your introduction to my life -
Impacted the core of who I am.  
And here we are now, two years later…
It's all happening so fast.
You now run, laugh, talk…
You are as curious as can be!
There is a special light your soul radiates…
I pray this light stays with you always.
May God protect you now and forever,
And, I pray you follow your dreams…
I wish you nothing but wisdom, humility and kindness…
And remember,
You will always have my love & support -
You have the key to my heart.
I love you my little Princess -
Happy Birthday baby girl!!!

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