Friday, October 29, 2010

Thoughts / Pensamientos

As I observe what is around me,
there is nature, buildings, water, dogs…
people, connections, relationships, movement….
I am observing life.
How many time have I walked and been oblivious -
thinking I was too busy to pay attention?
It's so simple now.
I don't have to preach a sermon 
or make others believe what I believe.
I simply appreciate I have eyes to take it all in.
Good or bad, I am here another day.
It's up to me what I chose to do with the day.
and because I am blessed to be here…
I simply love.
My thoughts in Madison Square Park.

Cuando observo a mi alrededor,
allí hay naturaleza, edificios, agua, perros…
personas, conexiones, relaciones, movimiento…
Estoy observando vida.
¿Cuantas veces vi la misma película inconscientemente -
pensando estar muy ocupada de prestar atención?
Es tan simple ahora.
No tengo que dar un sermon
o tratar de convencer a otros en creer en lo que creo.
Solo estoy agradecida que mi vista observa todo.
Bueno o malo, vivo otro día.
De mi depende como voy a vivir el día.
Y por ser bendecida de estar aqui…
Simplemente amo.
Mis pensamientos en el parque de Madison Square.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Spirit / Espíritu

Today you may have everything planned,
what you're going to wear, 
what you'll do and how you plan to go about it.
This was once my routine.
But one day…nothing went as scheduled.
Nothing I planned occurred,
I wasn't wearing what I wanted,
and had no idea how to go about it.
That's because life happened.
Not what I wanted, rather the bigger lesson
life had in store for me was ready to be unveiled.
And though this moment knocked me out -
it did so to stop my brain from the routine I created.
Now, I see life so differently.
Even the subtle daily changes of the leaves on trees…
I don't take any of it for granted.
And my perspective is all done by choice…
I could have stayed down and felt bad for myself,
but that isn't the life I am meant to live.
My choice has changed my thoughts,
and now my Spirit can soar.

Hoy día puedes tener todo planeado,
lo que vas a vestir,
que vas hacer y como lo piensas hacer.
Esa fué la rutina de mi vida.
Pero un día…nada fué parte de mi rutina.
Ninguno de mis planes ocurrió,
no vestía lo que deseaba,
y no tuve ni idea que hacer.
Es porque la vida tenia su propio plan.
No lo que yo deseaba, mas bien la lección mas grande
que la vida estaba preparada a revelarme.
Y este momento me quitó el aire -
pero lo hizo para que mi cerebro no continuara mi rutuna.
Ahora, veo la vida diferente.
Hasta los cambios diarios de las hojas de un los árboles…
no tomo nada como concesión.
Y mi perspectiva es escogida…
Tuve la opción de quedarme abajo y sentirme mal de mi misma,
pero no es la vida que voy a tener…
Mi elección ha cambiado mis pensamientos,
y ahora mi espíritu puede volar.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Will Not Lose Another Day / No Perderé Otro Día

I have lived through enough experiences
to say both good and bad energy exists.
It's unfair at points, debilitating at others,
and it grows the more I recognize it.
So, what if I shift my thoughts more positively?
And not in a fairy-tale type of way….
not every day can be perfect,
and there aren't fairies and unicorns 
tied to this optimism. 
I keep it very real..things happen.
But should I feed into the negativity?
Do I lose a day to tears and frustration?
Because of finances, work, and daily struggles
do I not realize how blessed I am to be alive?
There are certain situations with absolute no control…
there've been moments I and loved ones lost health.
That was truly sad and difficult…
but the other stuff as big as it may feel, it's all temporary.
I can't give up, no matter the obstacle, no matter how difficult.
I am part of change…I am meant to connect to love,
and will not lose another day to the treachery of despair.

He vivido suficientes experiencias 
para decir que energía buena y mala existen.
Es a veces injusto,  en otras debilitante,
y crecen mas que les reconozco.
Pero, que pasará si cambio mis pensamientos a ser mas positivos?
Y no en forma de películas infantiles…
todos los días no pueden ser perfectos,
no hay fantasias y unicornios 
para mirar todo con optimismo.
Entiendo la realidad…cosas pasan.
Pero debo alimentar lo negativo?
Pierdo un dia con lagrimas y frustración?
Por las financias, el trabajo, y las luchas de cada día
pierdo de pensar la bendición de tener vida?
Hay ciertas situaciones sin absoluto control…
Hubo momentos en donde personas amadas y yo perdimos la salud.
Eso verdaderamente fué triste y difícil…
pero hay situaciones que creemos inmensas, solo son temporales.
No puedo vencerme, no importa el obstáculo, no importa lo difícil que es.
Soy parte del cambio…estoy supuesta a conectar con amor,
y no voy a perder otro día a la atracción de la desesperación.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Memory / Una Memoria

Do you have a memory 
of something you've done wrong? 
Is there shame or guilt tied to the thought? 
Have you learned from this moment? 
If so, why is it wrong? 
It was part of your path 
to grow into the beautiful person 
you are today. 
We all make mistakes,
that is what makes us human.
But we also have the ability to forgive.
So why not forgive yourself?
Learn and grow...
this will walk you into 
the blessed arms of love.

Tienes una memoria
de algo erroneo que hiciste?
hay vergüenza o pensamientos de culpabilidad?
Aprendiste de ese momento?
Si la respuesta es si, entonces por que es malo?
Fué parte de tu camino
para crecer a la persona bella
que eres hoy día.
Todos cometemos errores
 es parte del ser humano.
Pero también tenemos la habilidad de perdonar.
Entonces, por que no perdonarse a uno mismo?
Aprende y crece…
este caminar te llevará a
los brazos bendecidos por el amor.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sacred Place / Sitio Sagrado

I close my eyes and connect...
to something beyond my physical being.
I feel hope, creativity and inspiration…
this sacred place broadens my mind.
I feel safe to be here alone -
because the truth is, I am never really alone.
When fear tries to embrace me
with thoughts of confusion - 
I've become quicker in detecting it's deception.
This blissful state has no room for negativity.
Only love can live here.
And with love, everything can change -
even what was once unknown.

Cierro mis ojos y me conecto…
a algo mayor de mi existencia física.
Siento esperanza, creatividad e inspiración...
este sitio sagrado abre mi mente.
Siento seguridad estar aquí sola -
la verdad es, realmente nunca estoy sola.
Cuando el temor me trata de abrazar 
con pensamientos de confusion -
mas rápido tengo la habilidad a detectar su engaño.
Esta maravilla no tiene espacio para lo negativo.
Aquí solo existe amor.
Y con amor, todo cambia -
hasta los momentos desconocidos de el pasado. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Running To My Life

In March of 2010, my brother and I made a pact.
We decided to run the Army 10 Mile Race in October…
and we would do this in honor of getting my health back
and as a symbol of "we can do this"
Since then, we have trained tirelessly...
and more so my brother who never ran before.
He started a blog called "Running To My Life"
which journaled his struggles through this unique journey.
I've recently hurt my knee and cannot run this Sunday.
I was sad and disappointed because I wanted nothing more
then to run with my best friend, Bryan.
But then realized this race is not about me....
It's not about what I planned, expected or envisioned.
This is so much more than my ability to run.
This is about the human spirit, mind and heart.
It's about making a decision to achieve a goal and fulfilling it.
My brother is a father of three, husband, son, brother,
full time employee, my graphic designer and marketing strategy guru...
he has written a children's book, achieved two masters with honors -
and this is only a very small glimpse of my brother's depth and capability.
I don't say this all to show off, I say it because he amazes me.
Seeing him and all that he accomplishes
inspires me to do more, love more and continue to grow.
It's been my honor to watch him grow the past six months
as he trained for this race.
Bryan, you are my inspiration...
you're my best friend in the whole world -
and while my spirit will run with you this Sunday,
there is a much bigger spirit that runs inside of you, and that is God.
Thank you for everything - this is only the beginning.
but most important, thank you for inspiring me
to Run to My Life….

Running to My Life

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Loving Thoughts / Pensamientos Amorosos

Life is going by so fast..
Days turned into weeks, which turned into months -
and before I knew it, years have passed.
As I look back now and find that "secret"
that allowed me to survive hardships and disappointments,
it's actually more simple than I realized.
Thoughts of understanding, forgiving, and letting go to move on
have always been the answer.
It was the genuine love in my heart,
not tarnished with cynicism, guilt or judgment.
This directly led to the loving thoughts in my mind….
even when anger did everything possible to consume me.
I can't say it's always easy to think with clarity,
but what's the option, choose to live in chaos?
That's not even an option.
Life is a gift, tomorrow is not guaranteed -
and I will live my last breath with this love on my mind.

La vida pasa tan rápido…
Dias se convierten en semanas, y estas en meses -
y antes de darme cuenta, han pasado años.
Miro el pasado para buscar el "secreto"
que solo me dejó sobrevivir dificultades y decepción,
y darme cuenta que la respuesta es mas simple de lo que pensé.
Pensamientos de entender,perdonar, liberarme, y seguir adelante
siempre han sido la respuesta.
Fué el amor sincero en mi corazón,
no empañado por el cinismo, culpa, o juicio.
Esto ayudó a tener pensamientos amorosos en mi mente…
hasta cuando la ira trató hasta lo imposible de consumirme.
No puedo decir que siempre es fácil pensar claramente,
pero que es la otra opción, vivir en la caos?
No debe ser una opción.
La vida es un regalo, el mañana no es garantizado -
y voy a vivir mi último suspiro con amor en mi espíritu.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Criticism / Criticismo

It might sound crazy but I seek criticism.
Even writing the word "criticism" makes me cringe
and think I've gone a little crazy.
However, if I don't seek constructive criticism, how will I grow?
How will I push the boundaries of my mind?
How will I push potential to reality?
I strive for excellence and this bar is set by me.
It's not a status quo or acceptance from others.
The creativity in my heart leads this vision…
and my heart has no boundaries.
Criticism will broaden my thoughts…
and it's up to me to decide,
where the criticism fits in my imagination.

Puede sonar loco pero busco la critica.
Hasta escribiendo la palabra "critica" siento incomodidad
y pienso tal vez estoy un poco loca.
¿Sin embargo, si no busco la critica constructiva, como creceré?
¿Como empujar los limites de mi mente?
¿Como empujar el potencial a la realidad?
Yo lucho por excelencia y esta es mi meta trazada.
No es una condición o la aceptación de otros.
La creatividad en mi corazón guía esta visión…
y mi corazón no tiene fronteras.
La critica ampliará mis pensamientos…
y la decisión depende de mi,
a donde la critica tiene cabida en mi imaginación.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blank / Vacía

Have I lost my ability to write?
There is a certain blank expression,
my eyes are carrying nowadays.
Have I reached a level of ambiguity
that has left me without vision?
Maybe it's just a day….
Things have been difficult… 
and the light in the tunnel does exist,
it just seems the tunnel is getting longer.
I will pray for resilience, and strength.
This time will pass and tomorrow will be brighter.

Habré perdido mi habilidad para escribir?
Hay una cierta expresión vacía
que hoy día tienen mis ojos.
Estaré llegando a un nivel de ambigüedad
que me dejará sin vision?
Quizás solo es un día…
las cosas han sido difíciles…
y la luz del túnel existe,
pero parece que el túnel se alarga.
Rezaré por alegría y fuerza.
Este tiempo pasará y mañana será brillante.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I Will Not be Scared / No Tendré Temor

"Only thing we have to fear is fear itself…"
Wise words said by President Roosevelt.
So what does this really mean?
I have dreams, can they really happen?
There is something I've always want to do…
is it possible?
What made me think I couldn't, fear?
Yes…fear of rejection, not knowing 
how to attain my dream, failure.
Reasons all linked to fear.
But not anymore.
The only guarantee in life is one day I will die.
May sound a bit dramatic, but it's also a truth.
Because of this, I know time is not guaranteed.
If I don't try to truly be happy, pursue  my dreams,
help a fellow man…what does that say about me?
And it doesn't have to be a grand gesture,
maybe it's simply acknowledging a person with a smile.
Fear can't stop me anymore, I will not be scared.
Love is at my core, and love will lead the way.

"La única cosa de temer es el mismo temor…"
Palabras sabia dichas por President Roosevelt.
¿Entonces, cual es el verdadero significado?
¿Tengo sueños, realmente pueden suceder?
Hay algo que siempre he querido realizar…
es posible?
¿Que me hizo pensar de no tener temor?
Si…temor a el rechazo, no saber
como realizar mi sueño, el fracaso.
Razones conectadas a el temor.
Pero no mas.
La única garantía en la vida, es que un día moriré.
Puede sonar un poco dramático, pero es una verdad.
Se que el tiempo no es garantizado.
Si no trato de ser feliz, seguir mi sueños,
ayudar a el próximo…que dice esto de mi?
Y no tiene que ser un gesto extraordinario,
puede ser algo simple como regalar una sonrisa.
El temor ya no puede detenerme, no tendré temor.
El amor es mi centro, y el amor guiará mi camino.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Stormy Days / Dias de Tormenta

How many times have I asked "What am I doing?"
More than I care to remember.
And when I've felt a monsoon of emotions,
complications, frustrations….
I haven't always made the best decisions.
The truth is, life is complicated.
It can't be easy, or simple….
that will lead to a motionless life,
this hasn't been my journey.
What I've learned with time,
is to take it step by step…that's all I can do.
And if I get overwhelmed, 
which happens because I am human,
I take a deep breath and react slowly.
Decisions whether small or major,
should not be made on stormy days.

Cuantas veces me he preguntado "¿que estoy haciendo?"
Mas que me importa recordar.
Y cuando he sentido un turbulencia de emociones,
complicaciones, fracasos…
no siempre tomé las mejor decisiones.
La verdad es, la vida es complicada.
No puede ser fácil, o simple…
eso conducirá a una vida sin movimiento,
este no ha sido mi camino.
Lo que he aprendido con el tiempo,
es caminar paso a paso.. es todo lo que puedo hacer.
Y si me siento abrumada de la vida,
es normal por ser humana,
tomo un respiro profundo y reacciono despaciosamente. 
Las decisiones sean pequeñas o grandes
no deben  ser tomadas en días de tormenta.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Silence / Silencio

It's loud, it's chaotic…
so many stimulants, so many distractions.
Yet there is one sound I choose
and that is silence.
Here the only voice is my own.
There is no judgment and no guilt.
Only the wise tone of forgiveness,
and understanding.
With this voice, I grow.
In ways I never knew were possible,
in ways that amaze me.
Despite the difficulties I experience
and the obvious pains of the world - 
I am meant to have hope for something else.
Maybe people don't understand…
I don't always have the words to articulate
this euphoric state I've entered.
However, it exists…it's as real as a morning sun.
God I hope to stay here…as long as I can.

Hay ruido, es caótico…
tantos estimulantes, tantas distracciones.
Pero existe un sonido que yo elijo
y  es el silencio.
Aqui, la única voz es la mia.
No hay juicio no hay sentimientos de culpabilidad.
Solo el tono sabio de perdonar
y comprender.
Con esta voz, puedo crecer.
En formas que yo nunca sabia fuesen posible,
de maneras que me sorprenden.
A pesar de las dificultades que yo experimento
y los dolores obvios del mundo -
estoy supuesta a tener fe en algo mas.
Posiblemente las personas no me comprenden…
 tal vez no tengo las palabras para articular
el estado eufórico a el que he ingresado.
Sin embargo, existe…es tan real como el sol de la manana.
Dios, deseo quedarme aquí…el tiempo que mas pueda.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pick a Side / Elegir un Lado

How luring is the dark
especially when it hides itself.
Nothing obvious, no do or die…
just subtle decisions
that can alter your life.
Walking in the light
does not mean you give yourself up.
You still laugh, joke, say silly things...
but you are also aware.
Aware of what surrounds you,
who surrounds and why you are surrounded.
Then it's up to you to decide
"is this what I want?"
You must pick a side
and be honest to your choice.
Playing both sides is exhausting,
and walking with truth,
whatever that maybe….
makes everything brighter.

Que tentadora es la oscuridad
especialmente cuando se esconde en si misma.
Nada es obvio, no hacer o morir….
solo decisions sutiles
que pueden cambian su vida.
Caminando en la luz
no significa darse por vencido.
Todavía ríe, bromea, dice tonterias…
pero eres consciente.
Consciente de su alrededor,
quien está a su alrededor y por que está rodeado.
Entonces usted decide
"¿Es esto lo que yo quiero?"
Tiene que elegir un lado
y ser honesto con su decision.
Jugando en los dos lados es agotador,
caminando con la verdad,
sea cual fuese…
hace todo brillante.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Miss You / Le Extraño

Life can be a bit complicated…
stresses pull us like no other.
Sometimes I wonder where I'll get my next breath,
and think you must be feeling the same.
I write this because I know life is short…
time passes as days become distant memories.
Before you know it, it's been way too long.
I can't risk you not knowing how I feel…
I miss you…and want you to know
despite our lives being difficult,
there is not one day I don't think about you.

La vida puede ser un poco complicada…
el estrés nos mueve en muchas direcciones .
A veces me pregunto cuando podré respirar,
y pienso que usted se siente igual.
Escribo al respecto por que se que la vida es muy corta…
el tiempo pasa y los días se convierten en memorias distantes.
Sin darnos cuenta pasó mucho tiempo.
No debo tomar el riesgo que no sepa como me siento…
Le extraño…y quiero compartirlo con usted
que a pesar de las dificultades de la vida,
no hay un día que no piense en usted. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Extra Mile / Una Milla Extra

Have I reached a point,
where there is no more to give?
My heart and passion
are directly engaged with a certain vision.
So, if I am giving so much,
how come nothing is happening?
No…I can't give in.
Things will not happen over night.
Maybe I have given it my "all",
but maybe my "all" needs to be challenged.
Right now can't only be it…more will come.
And it will because I'll going the extra mile,
to make my dreams come true.

A llegado a un punto,
que no tiene nada mas que dar?
Mi corazón y pasión
están directamente envueltos en una cierta visión.
Entonces, si estoy dando tanto,
por que nada está pasando? voy a vencerme.
Las cosas no pasan de un día para otro.
Posiblemente yo he dado "todo"
pero posiblemente ese "todo" necesita desafio.
Ahora no puede ser el espera mas.
Y será porque camino una milla extra
para realizar mis sueños.