Friday, July 23, 2010

To my family / A mi familia

As I sit here tonight,
with no one besides me,
my mind opens up,
to the memory of my ancestry.
There is a deep appreciation,
for the struggles of the past,
my courageous family overcame obstacles,
with their vision to forecast.
It is due to them,
that I sit here and write.
Their difficulties gave strength,
to my generation's light.
How did they know so much?
It's as if they had a clue.
I wonder if their spirits,
knew exactly what to do.
Whether they did or did not,
this is what I believe.
They sacrificed and loved,
in order for us to be free.
Their selfless acts of humanity,
were seeds to grow good.
And now I've grown into a tree,
and must produce more food.

Me siento aquí sola,
pensando en el pasado.
Observo mi familia
y como ellos lucharon.
Tengo mucho admiración,
a los caminos que tomaron.
Fue como si sabían,
los pasos del mañana.
Por ellos,
estoy aquí escribiendo.
Dieron sus vidas para nosotros,
y esto lo entiendo.
¿Como eran tan sabios?
¿Es posible que tenían pista?
Me pregunto si sus espíritus,
Me prepararon para estar lista.
No se la razones,
pero esto es que pienso,
sacrificaron y amaron,
para que hoy este contento.
Sus pasos de nobleza,
eran semillas para lo bueno.
Y ahora he crecido,
para seguir en este camino.


  1. Foresight and hindsight are simply a spirit of nature and destiny. The blessing is found in acknowledging and appreciating the struggle, of which you have done both....congratulations...

  2. Thank you were part of my journey. I am most grateful to all the special spirits that took the time to inspire were one of those:) Love you!
