Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Think Beyond / Pensar mas Allá

Sometimes there are things I really want
that begin to take shape.
And though I really want it, 
I consciously stop and think beyond my wants.
Not because I want to hinder my growth…
not because I hesitate…
rather, because I really think about what it is,
and how I could make this moment great.
A deeper look allows me to experience
a deeper connection to understanding and truth.
This allows me to grow and appreciate all that I live.

A veces hay cosas que realmente quiero 
y comienzan a tomar forma.
Y puede ser que realmente lo quiero,
conscientemente paro para pensar mas allá de lo que quiero.
No por que quiero causar impedimento…
no por que tengo duda…
mas bien, por que realmente pienso de que es,
y como puedo hacer este momento mejor.
Un profunda mirada me deja experimentar 
una profunda conexión a el entendimiento y la verdad.
Así yo puedo crecer y apreciar todo lo que vivo.

1 comment:

  1. Each day is a gift to be enjoyed and marveled at. Each day is unique and needs to stand alone in our appreciation. Each day is a new start. Enjoy it, Appreciate it, respect it, and do something wonderful each and every day....
