Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lost Love / Amor Perdido

As I see your life,
the decisions you have made 
and continue to make, it breaks my heart.
I wish there were something I could do,
to get you to see what I see.
Life can feel like it's cruel.
At times, you may want to ask "why me?"
But at some point, 
when you ask yourself the same questions,
the problem might be you.
This doesn't mean you are bad,  
nor should you be judged for your actions.
No one has the right to impose their judgment on you.
However, your spirit is the one calling for you to change.
Despite the difficulties and the traumas 
you have imposed upon yourself,
your inner self still loves and forgives your behavior.
The only thing it asks is to make the effort to transform.
It's a process and your true spirit will stay faithful to the effort,
as long as you do.
I pray and wish nothing but strength for you.
But we have reached a point
that it's not what I wish, it's about what you do.
You will always have my love despite the adversities.
I hope you begin to understand this message.

Cuando miro su cara,
las decisiones que ha tomado
y continua tomando, rompen mi corazón.
Desearía hacer algo,
para que usted vea lo que yo veo.
La vida pude sentirse como si fuera cruel.
A veces mi imagino su pregunta ¿por que yo?
Pero llega a un punto,
cuando las preguntas son las mismas,
posiblemente, el problema es usted.
Por decir esto, no lo hace mala persona,
ni debe ser juzgado.
Nadie tiene el derecho de juzgarle.
Sin embargo, su espirito le llama a cambiar.
A pesar de las cosas difíciles y los traumas
que se a impuesto en su vida,
su voz interior le ama y perdona su conducta.
Solamente esa voz pide cambio y transformación.
Es un proceso y su espíritu verdadero será fiel,
mientras que usted le sea fiel.
Rezo y pido por su fuerza de voluntad.
Pero llegamos a el momento,
no es lo que yo deseo, es lo que usted hace.
Usted siempre tendrá mi amor a pesar de la adversidad.
Tengo la esperanza que comience a entender este mensaje.

1 comment:

  1. sounds as if written to me, by so many who can not give me answers nor can I find
