Friday, December 10, 2010

My Blessing / Mi Bendición

Years ago when your life was in question,
I watched you sleep, I prayed like I've never prayed before….
And by the grace of God, you were given back to me.
At that moment, I realized miracles do come true…
When I now think of those times,
I can see there is where I really learned to love.
There was something in me that wouldn't leave your side.
That moment was meant for us,
to learn through the difficulties of life, love can prevail.
Though we're now in different places,
the bond we created is part of my heart.
There is not one day I don't think about you,
and thank God for blessing me with your life.

Hace años cuando tu vida era questionable,
te vi dormir, y recé como nunca lo hice anteriormente…
con la gracia de Dios, regresaste a mi.
En ese momento, me di cuenta que los milagros existen…
Ahora, cuando pienso en aquellos tiempos,
me doy cuenta que allí aprendí a amar.
Algo en mi no permitía apartarme de tu lado.
Aquel momento fué nuestro,
y aprender que durante los tiempos difíciles, el amor prevalece.
Aunque ahora estamos en diferentes lugares,
el vinculo que creamos es parte de mi corazón.
No hay día que no piense en ti,
y le doy gracias a Dios por bendecirme con tu vida.

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