Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Emotion / Emoción

As I think about emotions -
I recognize I yearn for
love, peace, understanding.
And while my emotions dance
in my mind and heart -
they mean absolutely nothing
if no one else knows.

Cuando pienso en emociones - 
reconozco que suspiro por
amor, paz, entendimiento.
Y mientras mis emociones bailan
en mi mente y corazón -
no tienen sentido
si nadie sabe de ellas.

Monday, May 30, 2011

This Moment / Este Momento

There are times in life,
when all the pieces fall perfectly together
and you undoubtedly know,
you're exactly where you're supposed to be.
So, if today is one of those days,
hold on to it…
take a deeper breath 
and remember the feeling.
Strive to make the 'less perfect' days
just as meaningful…
it was because of this 'less perfect' days,
you are here today.   

Hay momentos en la vida
cuando todo las piezas caen en orden perfecto
y sabes sin duda
estas donde debes estas.
Entonces, si hoy es uno de eso días,
respira profundo,
y recuerda como te sientes.
Esfuerzate en hacer los días 'menos perfectos'
de igual importancia…
es por esos días 'menos perfectos'
que estas aquí hoy dia.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Alarm / Alarma

What is it,
that is making me sad?
Is it finances…
well then, I can work harder.
Is it friendships…
well then, I can work at them.
Is it frustration…
well then, let me get to the bottom of it.
The point is, there is always a solution.
Sadness is an alarm telling one's spirit -
"hey there…you need to change something"
And if the change can't be made externally,
maybe an internal change needs to occur.

Que es,
lo que me causa tristeza?
son las finanzas…
bueno, entonces trabajaré mas fuerte.
Son amistades…
bueno, entonces trabajaré en ellas.
Son frustraciones…
bueno, buscaré el problema.
El punto es, siempre hay solución.
La tristeza es una alarma diciendo le espíritu -
"escucha… debes cambiar algo"
Y si el cambio no puede ocurrir externamente,
posiblemente, el cambio tiene que ocurrir interiormente.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Take a Moment / Tome un Momento

Take a moment today,
to tell those you love,
how much they mean to you.
Take a minute,
to reach out to an old friend.
While walking outside,
take a moment to be grateful
for being alive.
No matter the difficulties
you may be experiencing today,
you are blessed to be here…
isn't it time for you to believe it?

Toma un momento hoy,
para decirle a seres queridos,
lo que significan para ti.
Toma un minuto
para llamar a una vieja amiga.
Mientras caminas afuera,
toma un momento para agradecer
que tienes vida.
A pesar de las dificultades
que experimentas hoy día,
eres bendecida por estar aquí…
¿no piensas que es tiempo de creerlo?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Class / La Clase

Life has dealt you lemons,
well then, make lemonade.
It feels like mistakes were made,
the outcome you expected,
is far from reality.
But this is not a bad thing -
no, no, no…
I see something much greater
and bigger in your future.
Think of this moment,
like a lesson in class.
Because of this class,
you've gained knowledge,
wisdom, patience…
more importantly,
you did not break 
or become negative.
You took the high road…
and that road will lead you places,
you may have never envisioned
had you stayed in that class.
Things do happen for a reason,
in time you'll understand why.

La vida te ha dado limones,
bueno, haga limonada.
Se siente como errores cometidos,
el resultado esperado, 
esta muy lejos de la realidad.
Pero no es algo malo -
no, no, no…
Veo algo mas grande
y mejor en tu futuro.
Piensa que este momento,
fue una lección de clase.
Por esta clase,
tu adquiriste conocimiento,
sabiduría, paciencia…
mas importante
no flaqueaste
o te convertiste en negativo.
Tomaste el camino alto…
y este camino te va guiar a lugares 
que nunca pudieras visualizar
si te mantuvieras en esa clase.
Las cosas pasan por alguna razón,
y con tiempo vas a entenderlo.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Weakness / Debilidad

Showing one's weakness,
can be interpreted as failure,
incapable or simply weak.
But to think about it further,
I question if it's weak at all.
It's easy to hide truth,
smile like everything is perfect
and enter the world of facade.
But to be able to remove
one's own mask,
takes courage and
a testament to one's faith.
Letting go of all limitations within reason,
really is liberating.
And one day, you'll see strength 
in your moment of weakness.

Mostrar debilidad,
se puede interpretar como fracaso,
incapacidad, o malogro.
Pero pensando un poco mas,
me pregunto, se es realmente debil?
Es facil esconder la verdad,
sonreír como si todo fuese perfecto
y entrar el mundo de fachada.
Pero para eliminar
la mascara de uno mismo,
toma coraje y
es un testimonio de fe.
Liberarse de limitaciones dentro de la razón,
es realmente liberante.
Y un día verá fuerza
en su momento de debilidad.

Monday, May 23, 2011


We don't choose to be born…
we just are.
But I wonder if our souls in heaven
search through a rolodex of bodies 
to actualize their existence…
do a group of souls 
look for special bonds
to become family, friends... 
the people closest to us?
I have to believe yes,
especially when I look at the bond
between my brother and I.
While we are blessed
with amazing people in life,
there is nothing like the bond
to a sibling.
It's funny to look back
and think of the silliness,
trouble and mischievous 
once experienced…
now, the love and bond 
grows in maturity every singe day.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fall and Fly / Caer y Volar

The moments I've fallen -
I learned disappointment, pain -
at times despair and anguish.
The complexities of the emotions
would stop time in my mind…
though the world kept going on.
But I had to fall in order to find truth.
And though it hurt,
the vision from the experiences
is what will allow me to fly.

En los momentos que he caido
aprendi disgustos, dolor -
algunas veces desesperacion y angustia.
Las complicaciones de estas emociones
pudo parar el tiempo en mi mente…
mientras el mundo continuó.
Pero tuve que caer para encontrar la verdad.
Y aunque sentí dolor,
la vision de las experiencias
es lo que me permitirá volar.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dealing with Why

I climbed a mountain,
should I have?
Memories, lessons,
and ghosts were created.
A mixture of moments
scarred what was once so pure.
Years have taught,
it was part of the journey.
And it's wasn't God who didn't forgive,
it was me.
Forgiveness easily given to others,
seemed almost impossible internally.
Releasing it,
released the bondage produced.
Silence made it worse,
than dealing with why.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Aspiration / Aspiración

what can I say,
it's inspiring!
It's also unpredictable,
lazy at times,
yet amazing.
While inspiration fuels me,
another element
playing an equal role is
Aspiration to show up daily
even if my counterpart
is inspiring somewhere else.
One isn't better than the other,
they're just different.

¡qué puedo decir,
me inspira!
Es también impredecible,
A veces ociosa,
pero increíble.
Mientras me infunde energia,
otro significativo elemento es la
Aspiración a trabajar cada día,
hasta que mi contraparte, la inspiración,
reparta su aliento en otros lugares.
Una no es mejor que otra,
tan sólo diferentes.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Shift / Cambio

It's dark.
It's confusing.
I can't see,
I can barely hear.
There is light.
There is opportunity to learn.
My heart leads the way,
and I listen.
what do I choose?

Esta oscuro.
Esta confuso.
No veo,
Apenas puedo escuchar.
¿Por que?
Hay luz.
Hay oportunidad de aprender.
Mi corazón guía el camino,
y escucho.
¿Cual debo escoger?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pure / Puro

There is nothing sweeter,
than holding you in my arms.
It's beautiful and calm.
So many whispers,
stories and words I'll share…
all to protect and make you smile.
Life has a magical way 
of becoming confusing.
All you think you know,
can change in a blink of an eye.
That is why I love holding you,
because there is nothing but honest,
pure and innocent love.
This moment is closest to perfection.

No hay nada mas dulce,
que tenerte en mis brazos.
Es lindo y calmado.
Tantos susurros,
historias y palabras que compartiré.
todo para protegerte y hacerte sonreir.
La vida tiene forma magica
de volverse complicada.
Todo lo que piensas lo sabes,
puede cambiar con un parpadeo.
Por eso yo amo al cargarte,
por que no hay nada mas honesto,
puro y amor inocente.
Este momento es lo mas cerca a la perfección.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Revenge / Venganza

Have you ever been wronged
in such a way, you want revenge?
The thought of doing something
to make the offending party hurt a little,
seems soothing in some way.
But really think about it…
your thought and action takes time,
effort, energy…
is this how you want to invest your time?
What if today were your last day…
is this moment of revenge
the last imprint you'd like to leave?
Probably not.
While revenge is a normal feeling,
acting on it will not change anything.
If anything, revenge is fueled by anger,
pain, hurt, maybe negativity…
Deep down you know,
this isn't worth your time.
Choose to learn, forgive, love…
you will grow from this.
And you can thank the 'idea' of revenge,
for helping you reach this point.

Alguna vez ha sentido
en alguna forma deseos de venganza?
La idea de hacerle algo
a el individuo que le ofendió,
se siente bien.
Pero realmente pienselo…
su pensamiento y acción toma tiempo,
esfuerzo, energía…
así desea usar su tiempo?
Que haría  si hoy fuese su ultimo día…
el momento de venganza
es la memoria que quiere dejar?
Problemente, no.
El sentimiento de venganza es normal,
pero actuando con ella no cambia nada.
La energia de venganza nace de la ira,
dolor, tal vez de lo negativo…
Dentro de su ser puede sentir
que no vale la pena.
Mejor elegir a perdonar,  aprender, amar…
crecerá de la experiencia.
Y le puede dar gracias a la 'idea' de venganza,
por ayudarte a llegar a este conocimiento.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Perfect Plan / Plan Perfecto

Sometimes the perfect plan,
perfectly falls apart.
As I look back to understand why,
I ask was there passion, vision,
honesty, and love?
If those ingredients were there,
how could it fall apart?
Perhaps because the real plan
was to learn a lesson.
Also, did my "perfect plan"
include the most important element?
Maybe in certain regards,
but not entirely.
Now, when I think of all the pieces,
it all makes perfect sense.
It was suppose to end like this,
in order for it to really begins.

A veces el plan perfecto,
perfectamente se derrumba.
Cuando miro lo sucedido para entender,
mi pregunta es existió pasión, visión,
honestidad, y amor?
¿Si todo esos ingredientes existieron,
como se derrumbó?
Posiblemente el plan verdadero
era aprender una lección.
¿También, mi 'plan perfecto'
incluyó el elemento mas importante?
En cierta forma si,
pero no totalmente.
Ahora, que pienso en todas las piezas,
entiendo perfectamente.
Estaba supuesto a terminar así,
para que verdaderamente pueda empezar.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reality / Realidad

What if tomorrow,
I did something I didn't do today…
and the next day, next day, next day…
follow the same trend -
What would it look like
at the end of a year?
What if I smile more,
talk to more random people,
help in any small way…
can any of it make a difference?
I have to believe yes.
So, why don't I start today…
now that the thought exists,
it's out there to make a reality.

Que pasa si mañana
hiciera algo que no hice hoy…
y el proximo dia, el proximo dia, el proximo dia...
seguir el mismo patrón -
¿como se veria 
al final del año?
Si sonrio mas,
hablo al azar con mas gente,
ayudo en cualquier forma posible…
¿podría hacer la diferencia?
Debo creer que si.
Entonces, por que no empezar hoy…
ahora que el pensamiento existe,
puede hacerse una realidad.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Said or Done / Dicho o Hecho

Saying goodbye to a loved one
is really hard.
One is left to wonder,
was enough said or done…
was love honestly conveyed?
Life gets busy, complicated, stressful….
nonetheless, it's life.
It's up to us to see and act on moments
that will engrave beautiful memories.
If those moments are captured,
you won't have to wonder
if enough was said or done.

Decirle adios a un ser querido
es bien difícil.
Se puede pensar,
si se hizo o dijo suficiente
para demostrar amor?
La vida es rapida, complicada llena de estrés…
de cualquier forma, es la vida.
Depende de nosotros de ver o actuar en los momentos
de grabar una memoria bella en nuestros corazones.
Si esos momentos son capturados,
no debe pensar
si suficiente fue dicho o echo.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mom / Mama

You've held my hand,
when I didn't even know,
it needed to be held.
You poured your heart
in sharing God's love.
There is no better example,
of love than you.
Today, your day is recognized,
but it has transformed in my heart.
Your day is everyday,
that I get to see you smile.
I love you more
than words can express.

Usted me tomó de mi mano,
sin que yo lo supiera,
que necesitaba ayuda.
Ha dado todo su corazón
compartiendo el amor de Dios.
No hay ejemplo mejor
de amor que usted.
Hoy, es su día de reconocimiento,
que ha transformado mi corazón.
Su día es cada día,
que veo su sonrisa.
Le quiero mas
que las palabras puedan expresar.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Dream / Sueño

I'm starting to understand,
nightly dreams are the doorway,
to some of my goals.
They're sometimes abstract,
but the more I pay attention,
the pieces of the puzzle 
keep revealing themselves.
It's a slow and brilliant process…
while I sleep, creativity is free to run wild 
without the blinders of day.
It's now up to me,
to make these dreams come true.

Estoy empezando a entender,
los sueños nocturnos son la ventana
para observar algunas de mis metas.
A veces son abstractos,
pero cuando les doy mas atención,
los pedazos del rompecabeza
se revelan mas.
Es un proceso lento e increíble…
cuando duermo, la creatividad es libre
sin los anteojos del dia.
Ahora depende en mi,
hacer esos sueños realidad.