Wednesday, June 15, 2011

God / Dios


I have written a lot…
thoughts inspired by You,
life, and the base of it
And these thoughts 
would have never existed,
had I not had a relationship with you.
So, thank you God,
for all you do…
for the air we breathe,
for the love we feel,
for forgiving us when we're lost.
Without You, I wouldn't be here today.



Yo he escrito bastante…
pensamientos inspirados por Ti,
vida, y la base de todo…amor.
Y estos pensamientos
no existirian
si no fuese por mi relación contigo.
Bueno, gracias Dios,
por todo lo que haces…
por el aire que respiramos,
por el amor que sentimos,
por perdonarnos  cuando estamos perdidos.
Sin Ti, no estuviese aquí hoy día.


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