Friday, April 29, 2011

Prayer / Oración

You my friend, have given me courage.
Courage to reveal the depths of my being…
my life was saved by many prayers…
and my mother's prayers 
to Christ and the Virgin Mary
played a significant role.
I was saved for a purpose…
we all serve a purpose.
I must give thanks to prayer,
and more importantly,
those who answered.

Tu mi amigo, me diste coraje.
Coraje a revelar la verdad de mi existencia…
mi vida fue salvada por muchas oraciones…
y las oraciones de mi madre
a Cristo y a la Virgen Maria,
fueron bien importantes.
Fui salvada para un proposito…
todos tenemos un proposito.
Le doy gracias a la oración,
pero mas importante,
le doy gracias a quienes respondieron.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pray / Rezo

I love hearing your stories…
it makes me smile.
The life experiences you had
led to this very moment.
The cycle of life continues.
You share your words
as you understand your legacy
is created by the memories you leave behind.
Everyday this truth becomes more apparent.
Time is something we can never control,
however, I pray more time
shines upon your physical being…

Me encanta escuchar tus historias….
ellas me hacen sonreír.
Las experiencias que viviste
crean ahora el momento.
El ciclo de la vida continua. 
Tu compartes tus palabras;
entiendes que tu legado ha creado
las memorias que dejas.
Cada día esta verdad es evidente.
El tiempo es algo que no controlamos,
de cualquier forma rezo que el tiempo
sigue dando luz a tu existencia física.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The memory of you 
lingers to today - 
Life has taken us
in two different ways.
Time has allowed
for life to evolve.
Lessons we learned…
problems we solved.
The kindness of life
softness pains of past…
it feels safe to say,
our friendship now can last.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's Time / Es Tiempo

Words of love and carefree behavior
have permeated my mind…
Life isn't so planned despite my best efforts.
It's as my authentic self
seeks the light from the shadow.
The shadow was created through years
of programs and societal pressures…
This dynamic is ready to transform in one.
Compassion, love, laughter…
the ingredients to my truth are ready…
it's time.

Palabras de amor y conducta despreocupada
han penetrado mi mente…
La vida no es tan planeada a pesar de mis esfuerzos.
Es como si mi ser autentico
busca la luz fuera de la sombra.
La sombra fue creada con años
de programas y presión social…
Esta dinamica esta lista a transformarse en una.
Compasión, amor, y riza…
los ingrediente de mi verdad están listo…
es tiempo. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

I Won't / No Lo Haré

Are you trying to get my attention?
Yes I see you, and feel your presence….
but to be quite honest,
I don't have time for you.
Your temptation of anger, frustration,
tears and misunderstandings
is clearly a barricade to my truth.
So while I understand you exist
and may have to cross your path
every here and there…
it's best for you to know,
I won't let you bring me down.

¿Estas tratando de buscar mi atención?
Si, te veo y siento tu presencia….
pero para ser honesta contigo,
no tengo tiempo para ti.
Tu tentación de enojo, frustración,
lágrimas y malentendidos
son claramente una barricada a mi verdad.
Así, mientras entiendo que existes
y tengo que posiblemente pasar por tu camino
de ves en cuando….
debes saber
no caeré por tu deseo.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Certain experiences occur
that leave you wondering,
"what was that about?"
The memory gets stored,
maybe it will come back…
maybe it won't.
But nonetheless,
it's a footprint in your journey.
With time, it comes together
or falls apart.
Either outcome is a sign
that something significant 
is being learned.
Timing is the key,
to understand and reach 
breakdowns or breakthroughs….
It's all about growth.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

You / Tu

I see you and you do things
to remind me you're around.
With time I've come to understand
it's up to me to see you 
in all aspects of life.
There are days
when there sheer coldness of life
blinds me and I cry.
Those are the days I fight harder
to not lose sight and in exchange
you give me more strength.
Everyday is a blessing
and an opportunity to fulfill
the thoughts in my soul.
Humbly, I thank you
for never leaving my side…

Te veo y haces cosas
para que vea que estas alrededor.
Con tiempo he entendido
que mi meta es verte,
en todos los aspectos de la vida.
Hay días
que las dificultades de la vida
me siegan y lloro.
Durante esos días lucho mas
a no perder la vision y a cambio
tu me das mas fuerza.
Cada día es una bendición
y una oportunidad a cumplir
los pensamientos de mi alma.
Humildemente, te doy gracias
por nunca alejarte de mi lado…

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Your Story / Tu Historia

You saw more than you should have…
you heard things not meant for a child…
you were too young to understand.
I'm sorry for your pain,
I'm sorry for the anguish…
I'm sorry it hurt you.
Forgiving me is forgiving you…
it's time to really let go
of the ghosts from the past.
And now that I understand,
I will protect not only you,
but others from feeling alone or scared.
Your lessons were not in vain,
by sharing your stories,
you will help others….

Viste mas de que debías…
escuchaste cosas que no eran para niños…
eras muy joven para entenderlo. 
Pido perdón por tu dolor,
pido perdón por tu angustia…
pido perdón por tu tristeza.
Perdonandome es perdonarte…
ya es tiempo de liberarse
de los fantasmas del pasado.
Y ahora que entiendo,
voy a protejerte no solo a ti,
pero a otros que sientan soledad o temor.
Tus lecciones no fueron en vano,
compartiendo tus historias,
ayudaras a otros...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Honesty of Love / Honestidad de Amor

If you need my hand,
I will give you both.
When I've been down,
you looked forward  
and picked me up.
Judgement doesn't fit
in the arms of love.
motives don't either…
In the honesty of love,
is where truth can be found,
and I thank you 
for helping me understand this.

Si necesitas mi mano
te doy las dos.
Cuando he caído
seguiste mirando hacia adelante
y ayudaste a levantarme.
Jusgar no tiene lugar
en los brazos del amor…
ni tampoco motivos.
En la honestidad del amor,
es donde la verdad se ve,
y te doy gracias
por ayudarme a entenderlo.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Step by Step / Paso a Paso

While this is my life,
daily I'm being reminded 
it's not about me.
The more I keep my mind open
to the possibilities, 
the real purpose of my existence
becomes apparent.
Certain seeds were planted years ago;
what I must remember is,
a tree does not grow over night.
Step by step,
with the help of others 
is how the real mission will breathe life…
and my life is not finish it,
but rather get it started.

Mientras esta es mi vida,
cada día algo me recuerda
que el propósito no soy yo.
Lo mas que mantenga mi mente abierta
a todas las posibilidades,
el propósito real de mi existencia
se vuelve evidente.
Ciertas semillas fueron plantadas hace años;
lo que debo recordar es
que un árbol no crece de un día para otro.
Paso a paso,
con la ayuda de otros,
es como la misión real respira vida…
y mi vida no es terminarla,
mas bien es empezarla.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Words for you…

What will you see…
what will you learn?
If I expose my mistakes
will you know when to turn?
I'll shield you from pain
and cover your eyes…
I hope you'll feel joy,
more than you cry.
And if you shed a tear,
I'll catch it for you…
I'll be an ear to listen,
I'll stand with the truth.
It might be hard to see,
you'll want to give up…
but know it is life,
it won't always feel so tough.
When you feel so lost,
just hold your hands high…
God will listen baby,
he will see love in your eyes.
That voice in your heart,
the one that grows louder with years…
find it and nurture it -
it will protect you from fears.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Changing Fear / Cambiando el Temor

If fear did not exist,
what would I be doing?
Would the crazy dreams I aspire,
feel so crazy?
What about the big ideas
that feels so right,
but I'm not sure how to do it….
without fear, would I figure it out?
Fear does exist but maybe if I remove 
the negative aspect of it,
I might be able to use it as a spring - 
a spring to make things happen.
What I do know is,
if I repeat the same nothing changes.
And that is ok…
but if I want more then its up to me,
to create the momentum and follow through.

Si el temor no existiera,
que estaría haciendo?
Los sueños grandes que aspiro,
sentirían lo inmenso de ellos?
Que pasa con la ideas grande,
las ideas que siento tienen que existir,
pero no estoy segura de como empezar….
sin temor, podría adivinarlo?
El temor existe pero si le quito
el aspecto negativo,
puedo convertirse en acción,
acción para realizar mis sueños.
Lo que se es que
al repetir lo mismo nada cambia.
Y eso esta bien….
pero si quiero mas, depende de mi
al crear el cambio y seguirlo.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Less is More

'Less is more'
while these words ring true,
'more' sometimes is the cover for love.
In the busy hustle of life,
when time doesn't seem to last,
it might feel like 'more' to show emotion.
But maybe the receiving end of the emotion,
would be elated to hear your 'more'…
Maybe by releasing your 'more'
you will receive more than expected.
And if you learn to expect nothing,
then all you receive will feel like a gift.
Not a bad perspective to consider...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

All That Matters / Lo Mas Importante

'One day at a time'
the only thought right now.
I can plan, think, strategize
and while all this organizes me,
it doesn't guarantee anything.
There is a level of faith
that exceeds any of my planning.
While it might sound counterintuitive,
it is my core.
Staying close to this energy,
when everything fights me 
to not have faith, is all I can do.
My heart is sound…
that is all that matters.

'Dia por dia'
el unico pensamiento ahora.
Puedo planear, pensar, tener estrategias
y mientras me organizo 
no hay nada garantizado.
Hay un nivel de fe
que es superior a mi habilidad de planear.
Puede sonar contrario a la lógica,
pero es mi centro.
Estando cerca a esta energia,
cuando todo trata de quitarme la fe, 
es lo unico que puedo hacer.
Mi corazón es fuerte…
esto es lo mas importante.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tempted / Tentar

As I reflect on my energy,
there are a few things I observe.
I have an extraordinary amount,
and when released,
I experience high levels of creativity.
When this energy stays in my head…
I'm not a happy camper.
The point is, I recognize it.
I have to choose what to react to…
I won't allow my feelings to get hurt,
over things that really aren't important.
I must stay true to my vision,
the voice in my heart.
At the end of the day, it's what will count…
not the unnecessary layers
I get tempted to engage in.

Cuando reflexiono en mi energia
hay ciertas cosas que observo.
Tengo mas que suficiente,
y cuando le dejo salir,
tengo momentos elevados de creatividad.
Cuando esta energía queda en mi cabeza…
no soy feliz.
El punto ahora, es que lo reconozco.
Tengo que elegir a que reaccionar…
no puedo dejar que mis sentimientos sean heridos,
por cosas que realmente no son importantes.
Tengo que ser fiel a mi vision,
y a la voz de mi corazón.
en los días finales de la vida, es lo que cuenta…
no situaciones innecesarias
que tratan de tentarme.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Back in Perspective / En Perspectiva de Nuevo

Frustration is a part of life.
There are moments
where you can't see the light,
but you have to remember, 
it does exist.
Through time, perseverance 
and above else, your effort,
is when things will change.
I've recently needed 
to remind myself of this…
and now things are back in perspective.

Frustración es parte de la vida.
Hay momentos
cuando no se puede ver la luz,
pero tienes que recordar
que si existe.
Con tiempo, con perseverancia
y lo mas importante, tu esfuerzo,
es cuando las cosas comienza a cambiar.
Recientemente necesité
y ahora todo está 
en perspectiva de nuevo.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Very Near

If I let you see,
what's inside of me - 
will you see the truth,
can I really be free?
Mistakes have been made
but not with ill intent,
decision tied to youth,
decisions I repent.
I'm dying to come out,
let go of past ghosts…
they've haunted me long enough
a new life wants it's post.
But for this to occur,
I need to let go of the fear - 
I will not be judged,
the future is very near.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Seasons Change

Seasons change
with spring there is life…
In life you feel happy,
you also feel strife.
It's all for a purpose
in time you will grow,
wisdom is certain -
like the wind will blow.
Keep your head up
and talk to your soul…
at the end of they day,
it's all you will know.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Continue On / Continuar

The winds have picked up speed;
the turbulent skies
are determined to blow out the candle…
The gusts are so powerful,
the flicker of the light almost disappear.
Hold on little candle…
your light represents deeper truths
than the eye can see…
This moment shall pass -
your light must continue on.

El viento ha tomado mas fuerza;
el cielo turbulentp
está determinado a apagar la luz de la vela…
Las ráfagas son tan poderosas,
que la llama de la luz casi desaparece.
Aguanta vela pequeňa…
tu luz representa verdades profundas
mas de lo que la vista puede ver…
Este momento pasará -
tu luz tiene que continuar.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Light Within / Luz Interior

You keep morphing and changing
so I cannot see your face…
the closer I run to you
the further you go
as if to keep pushing me along.
There are moments I get tired,
and am ready to throw in the towel…
yet you do something to remind me,
my efforts are not in vein.
I apologize for sometimes doubting,
giving up and wanting to let go….
thankfully your wisdom
is strong enough to pull me out of the dark.
So here is another morning,
another opportunity to change…
I will make the best of it.

Tu sigues cambiando
para que no pueda reconocer tu cara…
entre  mas  me acerco
mas te alejas
como si trataras de empujarme.
Hay momentos que siento cansancio
de todo y quiero darme por vencida…
pero tu haces algo para recordarme
que mis esfuerzos no son en vano.
Te pido perdón por a veces tener dudas,
sentirme vencida y queriendo alejarme…
gracias que tu sabiduría 
es suficiente fuerte para sacarme de la obscuridad.
Bueno, aquí esta otra mañana,
otra oportunidad…
haré lo mejor que pueda con ella.