Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Sun Will Come Out

My favorite movie when I was a little girl was "Annie"
I could watch that movie two, three times a day...
Mind you, this would happen day after day.
I'm sure I drove my parents and brother nuts.
What has stuck most about this movie,
was when she sung "the sun will come out".
Something about how she sang it,
who she sang it with, the whole experience felt real.
I'm in my 30's now, and these worlds
still ring true in my head.
No matter what happens - the trials and tribulations,
the sun always does come out.

1 comment:

  1. So funny you should write about this. I have been in need of a sun fix.........many weeks of frozen fog was zapping my spirit. This morning I was blessed with a small glimpse of blue sky through white floofy clouds. Yup, the sun will come out tomorrow.........or maybe the day after :D Have a wonderful Friday Eve.........:) <3
